The Anglo-Irish Agreement was signed at No. 10, Downing Street, yesterday afternoon, and the text was issued to the press last night. With the signature the financial and economic dispute between the two countries is completely ended, and what it is hoped may be the first stage of an agreement on defence is reached. There are, in fact, three agreements linked together ╤ dealing with finance, defence, and trade. Partition is not mentioned. The main provisions are:╤
That ú10,000,000 is to be paid by Eire to the United Kingdom before November 30 in final settlement of all financial claims of either Government arising out of matters occurring before the date of the agreement.
That the British Government is to transfer to the Government of Eire the Admiralty property and rights at Berehaven and the harbour defences at Berehaven, Queenstown, and Lough Swilly.
That a general trade agreement shall come into force as soon as the necessary legislative measures have been passed by both countries. This provides that both countries shall abolish present import duties, principally on British coal and Irish agriculture and dairy produce ╤ the ╥special duties╙ of the economic war.
The agreement will remain in force for a period of three years from the date of its coming into force, when it will be subject to termination at any time provided six months╒ notice has been given.
The provisions of the Ottawa Agreement will now apply to Eire, which will be on the same preference basis as the Dominions.
Mr. Neville Chamberlain will make a statement in the House of Commons to-day on the legislation which will be necessary to put into effect the agreement, and in the Northern Ireland Parliament Lord Craigavon is to make a statement on the attitude of his Government. Mr. De Valera returns to Dublin to-day and the Dail will have the agreement before it to-morrow.